Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sat Chit Ananda

I know I am one with everything, every one !

Ultimately every thing is balanced in the ONE, this dream is but a dream !

I can be as blissful as in the end, for I know this is but a dream!

So why the meloncholy thoughts ?

Am I connected to some loved one who is really depressed, sad, sorrowful ....

I am with the Thee my dear, who ever you are, there is nothing to be sad about for everything is but an illusion, you are just playing the drama of Life. When your part is over, you would understand, that it was just a persona , not the real you. You were so involved in the "acting" , you forgot that you are the Blissfull One ! The Magnificient wholeness !
Cheer from Thy audience on your Grant Finale Performance !!!!


Monday, June 25, 2007

The "X" dimension

26-05-2007 Tuesday Morning 5.30AM

The magnificient Culture of Ancient Egypt. They flourished for thousands of years . No body knows how long. And they had technlogies to build the Pyramids and much more. Modern 21st Century Science could not understand till today !

Then what happened. Something . Somewhere. somebody . changed the rules, the methods, the rituals.

And the culture and the science slowly disappeared ! ! !

The same chromosomes, the same brain cells may still be there. But the "programming" is gone ! The magnificient intelligence gone !

How ?


Friday, May 18, 2007

hi i am thou!
so you started this blog today !

and today is 19 - 05 - 2007 10.20 pm at sharjah u ae.

am here now. where art thou ?

Bye now